Eynesbury Church of England Primary School

Eynesbury Church of England Primary School

Love to learn, learn to love


Interactive Bar

Lunch Menus/Apply for Free School Meals

School Lunches

Our school meals are provided by ABM catering. The kitchen has recently been refurbished with new and improved equipment - an amazing oven which washes itself, like a washing machine, at the end of service! 

All our meals are cooked on site. Currently, children eat lunch in the school dining hall at staggered times and benefit from choice at the hatch and a salad bar.  Our Midday Supervisors provide support and supervision in the hall and playgrounds.


Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 - Universal Infant FREE school Meals (UIFSM)

Through a government funded initiative, ALL Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children are entitled to a free school meal each day (Universal Infant Free School Meals). We anticipate a very high percentage of children will take up this offer of a free lunch every day, however you may provide a healthy packed lunch as an alternative. School dinners are offered to all children in school.  


We run a colour banded meal system. This system was introduced to ensure every child has their first choice of meal every day and waste is minimised.  

Each day three choices will be offered, these are generally: 

Meat option (RED); 

Vegetarian option (GREEN); 

Jacket potato option (BLUE).

In addition to the above, KS2 pupils will be offered:

Sandwich option (ORANGE).


Mrs Michelle Chaplin, in the school office, will collate numbers and the kitchen staff will cook the meals ordered. (A few spare meals will be cooked to accommodate dinner number changes or other difficulties.) 


A copy of the school dinner menu can be found below. Please use this menu to help support your child in making their menu choice each day. 


It is essential if your child is going to be late into school for any reason and you wish them to have a school dinner that you contact the office by 9:30am with your child’s meal choice otherwise they may be offered a limited choice. 


We look forward to the children enjoying their FREE school dinner each day. 


Years 3 - 6 Children - School Lunch Choice Menu  

Children from Year 3 - 6 are welcome to have a school lunch - £2.40 per day payable in advance using our Parentpay system.  

Menu choices are made at registration and all lunches are served in the dining hall and main hall.


Pupils eligible for Free School Meals 

Children from households with lower incomes may be entitled to free school meals.  

•families who are currently paying for school meals will save around £400 a year for each primary school child if they are entitled to free school meals; 

•our school have systems which mean it is impossible for other pupils to know who is receiving free school meals; 

•school children who are eligible for free school meals are entitled to two course meal worth £2.30 each day. 


When you apply for free school meals, you will also allow us to receive Pupil Premium - extra money to support children from families on lower incomes, please apply for free school meals.

Click on the link below to go to our Pupil Premium page. 


Please visit the Cambridgeshire County Council website


All children who are at school under 19 at the start of the academic year and are claiming or have parents who are claiming one of the following benefits: 

•Income Support 

•Income Based Job Seekers Allowance 

•Income-related employment and support allowance 

•Support under part VI of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999 

•Child Tax Credit but who are not entitled to working tax credit and whose annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) does not exceed £16,190 

•Guarantee element of state pension credit 

•Universal Credit 


Please note where a parent is entitled to Working Tax Credit during the four-week period immediately after their employment ceases, or after they start to work less than 16 hours per week, their children are entitled to free school meals. 


You will be contacted in writing to confirm when your entitlement has started and your eligibility will continue to be checked via the Local Authority secure Electronic Checking System. If your personal circumstances change please fill in the change of circumstances form. 

Your claim will be processed within three working days of receiving a valid application form, and if successful you and your child's school will be informed of his/her entitlement to free school meals. 

If you are receiving any of the eligible benefits listed above you can apply online for free school meals. 

Alternatively, you can also print and return the free school meal application form (pdf, 70kb). 


If you need further help you can contact the council’s Education Welfare Benefits Team for information about the benefits which support children financially while at school or college; applications for free school meals, and if you need help to complete an application over the phone: Telephone: 01223 703 200, email: 

Education Welfare Benefits Service 

OCT1222 Octagon 

Shire Hall 


CB3 0AP 

