School Improvement Priorities
School self-evaluation is a continuous process which comprises of a number of key components that collect information and evidence about the standards in the school. These are then analysed, collated and the findings are used to appraise achievements and identify priorities to be pursued to improve the quality of teaching and learning. Eynesbury Church of England Primary School involves all stakeholders in the school self-evaluation process.
Each September a School Improvement Plan is written which feeds into TOPs (Termly Operational Plans). Targets are derived and actions implemented. As the school year progresses it may be necessary to amend targets inline with the changes in the world of education.
In May 2022 the Governing Body identified seven main strategic priority areas for the next three years to be reviewed annually. These will form part of the SIP:
- Continue to develop the breadth of learning and enrichment opportunities available to all pupils at Eynesbury
- Demonstrate inclusivity, encouraging pupils with the belief that anything is possible, for anyone.
- Ensuring Eynesbury is an employee of choice, promoting the continuing professional development and wellbeing of all staff.
- Celebrate the achievements of the school clearly and confidently to further the engagement of all stakeholders.
- Position Eynesbury at the heart of its community, further integrating the school with its neighbours.
- Verify the impact of the school’s strategic plan.
- For the school to meet the criteria to be judged an Outstanding school by Ofsted.
Areas for improvement 2024 to 2025:
- Knowledgeable, confident, relevant leadership
- Encouraging our children to relish thinking hard
- Making Eynesbury the school of choice in the heart of our community
- Ensuring high standards of attainment and progress for every child
- Creating breadth of opportunity through high quality teaching and learning and enrichment
Here at Eynesbury, we believe we consistently operate as a good school and demonstrate instances of outstanding practice. The priority for improvement is to move to the next level offering good or better learning across the school at all time to all the pupils. The school used evidence from its self-evaluation to identify key steps that will move the school to the next level.