Eynesbury Church of England Primary School

Eynesbury Church of England Primary School

Love to learn, learn to love


Interactive Bar

Donaldson Class

Welcome to our Donaldson class page!smiley


Meet the Donaldson Class Team


Class Teachers

Miss Layla Jordan


Teaching Assistants

Mrs Sue Vincent

Mrs Jane Penny-Meech

Mrs Elena Chis

Mrs Gemma Bye



Physical Education

PE this year our PE is on a Tuesday and Wednesday

P.E is provided by the fabulous Primary Sports Stars! 

Outdoor kit: white t-shirt, black/navy shorts or jogging bottoms, a jumper if it's chilly, and socks and trainers. Black gym pumps get damp very easily and do not support the children's ankles. 

Indoor kit: white t-shirt and dark shorts.  

Please let us know if your child is unable to take part in PE by leaving a message with staff on the gate, calling the school office, or by sending in a note. Please ensure no earrings or other jewellery are worn these days. Thank you smiley


Class Reward System

At the beginning of the school year as a class, we agree on a ‘Class Charter’. This contains agreed behavioural expectations for ALL members of the class.

Making good choices can lead to:

  • Praise from the adults in the class and my friends
  • A sticker
  • taking our class mascot home
  • winning the super hero award in our whole school celebration collective worship on a Friday
  • winning the Eynesbury top 10 award each term


Home Learning 

'Reading Makes You Brainy!' At Eynesbury C of E Primary School we nurture a love of reading.

Please read with your child for at least 15-20 minutes daily and remember to write in your child's planner when you have read with them smiley

Please ensure reading books and diaries are in school each day.  

Children have a yellow homework book where they will be given 5 year 1 harder to read and spell words to practise writing weekly.

Pupils will also be set some activities each week on Mathletics. This will be linked to what we have completed in class. You should have your own log in and password to access this. 


Please ensure your child brings in EVERYDAY:

A named water bottle.

Reading diary and reading books.


Class Mascots

Each Friday our class mascot Elliot the elephant will come home with a pupil. He has a diary with him, where we ask your child to write about their time with you and draw a picture too. This should be returned to school with Elliot.


If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to talk to me at the beginning or end of the day I can't always be on the door in the morning as I need to be with the class but I will always be available at the end of the day. Alternatively, contact can be made via our class email:



At Eynesbury Church of England School we

'Love to Learn, Learn to Love!'


