Autumn term knowledge organisers
- Year 1 Autumn A Why do Christians pray to God and worship him?
- Year 1 Autumn B Why does Christmas matter to Christians?
- Year 2 Autumn A Why do Jewish families talk about repentence at New Year?
- Year 2 Autumn B Why was Jesus given the name the Saviour?
- Year 3 Autumn A Reconciliation with God and other people is important?
- Year 3 Autumn B Believing in Jesus is their saviour inspire Christians to save and serve others
- Year 4 Autumn B Believing Jesus is their saviour inspire Christians to save and serve others
- Year 4 Autumn A Why do Muslims call Muhammad the Seal of the Prophets?
- Year 5 Autumn A Why is the Gospel such good news for Christians?
- Year 5 Autumn B What does the Qu'ran reveal to Muslims and Allah and his guidance?
- Year 6 Autumn B How does the tawhid create a sense of belonging to the Muslim community?
- Year 6 Autumn A How do Christians show their belief that Jesus is God Incarnate?