Spring term knowledge organisers
- Year 1 Spring A Why belonging to God and the Church family important to Christians.docx
- Year 2 Spring A How do muslims show Allah is compassionate and merciful.docx
- Year 3 Spring A What symbols and stories help Jewish people remember their covenant.docx
- Year 4 Spring A How does the story of Rama and Sita inspire hindus to follow their duty.docx
- Year 5 Spring A What spiritual pathways to Maksha are written in the scriptures.docx
- Year 6 Spring A How do the beliefs in Brahman and Atman influence Hindu lives.docx
- Year 1 Spring B Stories What did Jesus teach about in his parables.docx
- Year 2 Spring B What are the best symbols of Jesus' death and resurrection.docx
- Year 3 Spring B Is the cross a symbol of love, sacrifice or commitment.docx
- Year 4 Spring B How do the teaching of the Gurus lead Sikhs from the dark to the light.docx
- Year 5 Spring B What is holiness.docx
- Year 6 Spring B How does the triple refuge help Buddhists on their journey.docx