Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage at Eynesbury.
The Early Years Foundation Stage at Eynesbury is a two class unit, our Pre-School Class is called Carle, and our Reception Class is called Inkpen.
Our EYFS classes work in partnership to ensure that we have a shared vision, joint pedagogy, and a progressive curriculum. This is planned together to ensure that our children experience a broad and balanced learning journey combined with opportunities to initiate their own learning and lines of enquiry.
We value our links to the whole school journey that the children will make as they progress through our school. We work closely with subjects leads to ensure that the EYFS is an integral part of the school, and we take part in wider school life, including church services, poetry performances, house days, sports day, buddy classes and subject focus days. If we can, we will!
Features of our Provision.
Pedagogical Vision
We are a passionate team of practitioners who have created a vision for our unit. Our Pedagogical Strategy and Vision Document outlines the ways in which we endeavour to create an inspiring and aspirational EYFS for our learners.
Pedagogical Strategy and Vision
Intent, Implementation and Impact.
Our Curriculum Intent Statement
At Eynesbury Church of England Primary School, our curriculum has been designed to ensure each and every child can ‘live life in all its fullness’ by offering stimulating and awe inspiring learning experiences with Christian values at its heart. We aim to deliver a curriculum that provides our children with rich knowledge and skills. It gives them the opportunities to develop into well rounded individuals ready for each stage in their learning journey.
In the EYFS our intent is to achieve this by ensuring children have a secure, safe and stimulating start to school life. We provide an environment and atmosphere where development of the Characteristics of Effective Learning are encouraged and valued. Each child is respected as an individual, their interests acknowledged and their starting points are considered.
We implement and deliver a curriculum that is play based with a wide range of opportunities to learn from experience and develop independent learning skills. This is combined with focussed teaching, adult led groups, and thoughtfully planned activities. Children have autonomy over their learning during the day. As a group have time to decide which information we would like to find, or the direction a topic may take.
Learning takes place indoors and outdoors. We have a wonderful garden with big spaces to move around in, alongside quiet nooks where children can become deeply involved in a chosen activity, read, create a story or mix up an experiment!
The curriculum is planned carefully for the whole unit to ensure progression but equally allows space for us to develop topics, respond to our learners or adapt to circumstances, for example: when it snows, or the time our Queen passed away. Our long Term Plan and Progression Document can be found at the bottom of this page.
We consider the impact of our curriculum in a number of ways. Reflection is key, as is Childs Voice. Our learners are listened to and their feedback is valued. Our curriculum is not linear. Concepts and ideas are revisited, increasing in complexity or broadened with experiences. We build on the steps of learning we have taken throughout the year, with future learning in Key stage 1, and beyond, in mind. Early on in the academic year we create a Theme of Cohort document, which enables us to identify the unique needs and prioritise areas of development that we must plan for to the meet the needs of the current cohort.
We undertake regular traditional assessments, starting with Baselines then tracking phonics, maths and reading through a mixture of activities. Through observations and quality interactions we create individual tracking for each child, in all areas, and identify next steps. The learning is captured through displays, exercise books, scrapbooks and on Tapestry where we can share it with families. Subject leaders ensure they spend time in the EYFS to fully understand the skills the children are learning and how this is delivered for children at this age. Staff meetings are used to work as a whole school to monitor and moderate, the EYFS team are included in this process.
We are proud that we are able to meet and network with other schools to share good practise and new ideas.
For more information about day to day life in the EYFS please visit our class pages, Carle and Inkpen, these can be found under the children tab.
For Information about Admissions please go to the News and Events Tab and click on admissions.