The Constitution of the Governing Body
The constitution of the Governing Body
The Governing Body is made up of a number of different types of governors and the normal term of office is four years. As of January 2022 our Governing Body is made up as follows:
- 2 Parent Governors,
- 2 Foundation Governors,
- 1 LA Governors,
- 2 Staff Governors (one of which is for the Headteacher)
- 2 Co-opted Governors with one vacancy at present
After four years, any governor who wishes to remain on the Governing Body can offer to stand for a further term of office and (if no-one else has expressed an interest in the position) be re-elected or reconfirmed in his/her position.
Parent Governors: If you are a parent of a pupil(s) at the School or the primary carer, you can stand for election as one of the 2 parent governor positions (once a parent governor post becomes vacant). If more than one parent expresses an interest in filling a vacancy, elections are held in which all parents can vote. Parent governors do not formally represent parents on the Governing Body although they are a link between parents and the Governing Body and will be in tune with parents' views. However, individual parent governors have no authority - authority rests with the Governing Body as a whole.
Foundation Governors: A Governor normally appointed by the Diocesan Board of Education to ensure the school preserves its Christian character.
Co-opted Governors: These are governors who play some kind of role in the wider local community and have experience and/or local links that will benefit the school. Community Governors are appointed on to the Governing Body by invitation of the Governing Body itself.
LA Governors: A Governor normally appointed by the local education authority (i.e. Cambridgeshire County Council).
Staff Governor: A member of staff paid to work at the School and elected by the staff.
Headteacher: An ex-officio member of the Governing Body i.e. a Governor by virtue of their job. If the Headteacher elects not to be a Governor than his/her place cannot be taken by anyone else.