Eynesbury Church of England Primary School

Eynesbury Church of England Primary School

Love to learn, learn to love


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Junior Leadership Team

Each year we will choose children to be part of our Junior Leadership Team. This is a great honour and the announcement is made at our Leavers assembly at the end of each Summer term. 


The Junior Leadership Team is chosen to represent the school and act as role models for other children. Many things are taken in to consideration when choosing these roles including attendance, thoughtfulness and care for others, attitude to learning, positivity and perseverance.


They will help with settling our new EYFS children, lead Collective Worship, playing a key role in our Church services at the end of each term, give out awards in assembly, show visitors around our school, attend parent consultation evenings, and many other duties. They will wear purple school jumpers so that they are easily identifiable to other children in our school.


During the academic year 2024 - 2025, the Junior Leadership Team members are Ben, Freddie, Annabelle and Isla
