Eynesbury Church of England Primary School

Eynesbury Church of England Primary School

Love to learn, learn to love


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We use age related expectations to assess children from Year 1-Year 6. The terminology used for assessment is detailed below. Children assessed at working at ARE (age related expectations) and Greater Depth have met all the END OF YEAR age related expectations. 



current Year group. 

Significantly Below - intervention needed to accelerate progress. 

Slightly Below

- some support needed in class



(Age Related Expectations) 


Working below 

Age-related expectation 

Working within 

Age-related expectations 

(Working with support at age related expectation) 

Working within 

Age-related expectation 

(Working independently at most age related expectation but not yet secure in all areas) 

Met all age related expectations within the expected standard 

Working at a greater depth within the expected standard 


Please see the documents below - The Parents' Guide to Assessment and the Assessment Calendar for more information. 

Parents Guide to Assessment at Eynesbury C of E Primary School
